CC Probation Pass

At NetEase Games, CC (Creative Commons) stands out as one of the prominent Art & Design Departments known for its unwavering commitment to excellence in every project, whether for internal or external purposes. In this task, I led the design of the probation pass from start to finish, including ideation, illustration, layout, paper selection, and liaising with the printing house.

The final design embodies simplicity and precision, reflecting the team’s core values of efficiency, professionalism, and a pursuit of excellence. The metallic texture of the paper adds an elegant touch, while the embossment on the cover exudes a meticulous attention to detail and finesse.

Art Direction  Sunny Fengjun Xie
Design  Ziqi Cai

Print, Photography

Other beautiful ideas that I also like a lot.
©️ 2024 Ziqi Cai