Little Nature

Little Nature is a Shanghai-based music therapy studio offering a range of services including meditation, chanting, and reiki. Little Nature aims to guide individuals on a journey to reclaim inner peace and connect with nature through immersive experiences with natural musical instruments. Compared to the grandness of the outer world, our little inner serenity will help us find solace and stay true to ourselves.

To deliver Little Nature’s vision of life, the design revolves around the key message, “Create the abundance of life from emptiness.” The brand colors, featuring solid and misty effects, capture the essence of its ethos. The logo, characterized by modified strokes of Chinese characters, invokes imagery of nature inspired by the rich symbolism of pictograms and ideograms. Given that mindfulness is still emerging in China, I created an illustration to offer a glimpse into the transformative journey that Little Nature invites individuals to embark on as well.

Client  Little Nature
Design  Ziqi Cai
Illustration  Ziqi Cai

Identity, Logo, Poster, Illustration, Motion

Photo Credit  Little Nature
©️ 2024 Ziqi Cai