Repetition and Difference

“Everything reacts on everything else, and everything resembles everything else (resemblance of the diverse with itself)” (Gilles Deleuze).

Life is full of repetitions, each carrying its own unique essence. Repetition and difference make up our lives. This book comprises a hundred photographs captured across the globe. Despite their diverse origins, subtle resemblances echo through them, reflecting the interconnectedness of all things. Drawing from the theme of repetition and difference, and inspired by the process of screen printing—where repeated actions yield diverse outcomes—the book was meticulously screen printed and bound by hand.

Repetition shapes the world, while variation adds depth and vibrancy to our experiences, rendering life dynamic and vivid.

Instructor  Kristen Coogan
Design & Print  Ziqi Cai

Book, Craft, Art & Design

Dummy Process

According to the concept of repetition and cycles, the book was designed as a cube. When closed, it takes the form of a cube, and when opened, it transforms into a cylinder.
This project was honored with the Outstanding Award in the professional group at the Kan Tai-Keung Design Award, Worldwide Chinese Design Competition 2020.
©️ 2024 Ziqi Cai